Many websites and projects are currently not active because they were deactivated or transferred or cancelled. Updated on Aug 1 2020.

Swim It Up!
The first and famous brazilian website for results, records, news, pictures, videos and rankings, launched on 1996. Design, implementation and configuration. Social network sharing integration. Twitter cards. Currently developed with speed-optimized JQuery, Responsive CSS3, PHP, Bootstrap, Litespeed and Mysql.

Federação Aquática Paulista
Launched on 2005, this is the front-end of a unique and pioneer customized ERP for aquatics organization: news, calendar, events, reports, official bulletins, on-line registration. Design, development and implementation. Currently developed with mobile-optimized Wordpress, Responsive CSS3, ElasticSearch, GO, Woocommerce, many fast-response plugins, JQuery, PHP, API, Bootstrap, Litespeed, Paypal, Banks API and Mysql.

Under development, currently is a canadian swimsuits e-commerce. Logo design. Built on Wordpress, Woocommerce, various e-commerce plugins, Mailchimp, Square, PayPal.

Aquatica Online
Launched on 2005, this is the back-end of a unique customized ERP for aquatics organization. Fully management of teams, swimmers, coaches, events, results, records, rankings, officials, pools, documents, financial control. Developed with performance-optimized CSS, Bank API integration, Javascript, Firebird, PHP and Mysql.

Aquática Piscina
Launched on 2005, this is part of the back-end of the unique customized ERP named Aquatica Online. Fully integrated meet results with organization data, offline and pioneer impressive online meet management, timing integration, multiple reports, execute swimming, open water swimming, artistic swimming and diving. Developed with performance-optimized JQuery, PHP, Bootstrap, Apache, XAMPP (offline version), private PHP extension library, source code codification, Firebird and Mysql.

Resultado Online FAP
Launched on 2019, this is new project for the front-end AquaticaPaulista's website. Design, integration and implementation. It presents meet results for the 5 aquatic disciplines (swimming, open water swimming, diving, artistic swimming and water polo) with results details, reports, unique on-line certificate generator. Developed with mobile-optimized JQuery, Responsive CSS3, PHP, Bootstrap, Firebird, Litespeed and Mysql.

Associação Brasileira Masters Natação
Mantaining since 2011, this is the front-end of a unique and pioneer customized CRM for masters organization: news, calendar, events, reports, official bulletins, on-line registration with credit card payment gateway, on-line results, extensive old archive. Design, development and implementation. Currently developed with speed-optimized Wordpress, Responsive CSS3, many fast-response plugins, JQuery, PHP, Bootstrap, Litespeed, Banks API and Mysql.

ABMN Online
Launched on 2011 as a back-end for the UANA 2011 Pan-Am Master Swimming Championships, this is the back-end of a unique customized CRM, offered for a dozen of affiliated masters organization. Fully management of teams, swimmers, events, results, records, rankings, documents, registration control, import/export for industry standards like Lenex and Hy-Tek. Developed with performance-optimized CSS, many Javascript libraries, Bootstrap, PHP, SQLite and Mysql.

ABMN Piscina
Launched on 2011 as a customized results management solution for the UANA 2011 Pan-Am Master Swimming Championships, this is now part of the back-end of the unique customized ERP named ABMN Online. Fully integrated meet results with the masters organization's data, offline and pioneer online meet management, timing integration, multiple reports, highly customized for masters events. Developed with performance-optimized JQuery, PHP, Bootstrap, Apache, XAMPP (offline version), private PHP extension library, source code codification, SQLite and Mysql.

Certificado ABMN
Created on 2020. Generate a high-resolution on-line certificate for TOP 10 masters swimmers from different competitive seasons, displaying a customized certificate with swimmer's profile pic, QR Code for security verification and result detailed information. Developed with a few PHP image classes.

Deployed on 2018, upgraded on 2020. Uses an open source video management system, with streaming and decoder open source library. The video library can be structured with paid and free videos, controling user access to a group of videos. Developing the payment gateway to accept credit card payments and instant access.

Best Swimming
Outstanding partnership from 2005 to 2018. Produce written and special content, management and design, graphics, videos, audios, social network. Provide full support as webmaster.

Associação Brasiliense Master Natação
Simple Wordpress website, with customized theme, integrated with ABMN Online System to gather and display information like records tables and calendar. Full support as webmaster.

Associação Maranhense Master Natação
Simple Wordpress website, with customized theme, integrated with ABMN Online System to gather and display information like records tables and calendar. Full support as webmaster. Google Suites support for applying as non-profit organization, configuration and installation.

Hall da Fama Natação Brasileira
One of a few volunteered works, focus on a simple organized list of honored swimmers. Customized Wordpress Theme, securities plugins and optimized for very fast response, desktop and mobile.

SERC Natação
Original and customized Swimming Team System (idea originally by Coach Mauricio de Oliveira) to manage frequencies, athletes, coaches, parents, events, swimmer technical data. This is the back-end of a innovative app concept, where data can be displayed and feed in throught the app, with authorized credential.

Android App SERC Natação
Android version of the app's front-end from the original and customized Swimming Team System (idea originally by Coach Mauricio de Oliveira). Development, implementation, support, registration and configuration on Google Play Store.

iOS App SERC Natação
iOS version of the app's front-end from the original and customized Swimming Team System (idea originally by Coach Mauricio de Oliveira). Development, implementation, support, registration and configuration on App Store.

Festival Rogério Romero
From 2000 to 2005, this event was organized by the Aoki Romero's family and was hosted by Londrina, Curitiba and Colombo..

FINA World Masters Championships 2014
Fully on-line registration system integrated with front-end Wordpress website and PayPal payment gateway, processed more than 15,000 persons. Detailed reports, real-time registration monitor for the Organizing Committee. Data integration with credentials system and meet management software - Splash.

iOS/Android App Aquatica Paulista
iOS/Android version of the app's front-end from Aquatica Online system. Written in LiveCode, use of stricted APIs from the cloud database. Development, implementation, support, registration and configuration both on App Store and Google Play Store.

iOS/Android App ABMN
iOS/Android version of the app's front-end from ABMN Online system. Written in LiveCode, use of stricted APIs from the cloud database. Development, implementation, support, registration and configuration both on App Store and Google Play Store.

CPB Natação
Unique and customized Paralympic Meet Management System, offline, online and app versions, integrated with CPB Registration System and with 3 versions for running in different control areas during the competition. Timing communication with Omega Ares/Quantum and Colorato Time Systems. Detailed reports, coaches and athletes management. Front-End and app developed with LiveCode (iOS and Android) with accessibility standards.

Nataction Project Management
Project Management System for personal projects control, developed with PHP, Javascript and MySQL. Provide an overview of all current projects in development and mantain an archive from all details on a week basis.

FAP Indica
New project for FAP. Directory index, working as a Wordpress Plugin. In development.

Placar Online FAP
Innovative and unique waterpolo on-line scoreboard and scout front-end system. Provide real-time results and details from past or current waterpolo games, PDF officials standard report. Developed with PHP, MySQL, JQuery and Bootstrap.

Admin Placar Online FAP
Innovative and unique waterpolo on-line scoreboard and scout back-end system. Can be used off-line while updating the cloud database with a single click. Developed considering the agility from the waterpolo game, has a easy-to-input-data screen for the officials. PDF officials standard report. Developed with XAMPP, PHP, PHP codification library, Firebird, JQuery and Bootstrap.

CPB Live Timing
Part of the Paralympic Meet Management System, offline version, fully integrated with Omega Quantum timing equipment to provide a real-time race data screen, with race details like swimmer's name, seed time, splits and classification, projected to be relayed to local displays/tvs around the competition venue.

Broadcast Live Timing
Part of the Aquatica Online, offline version, fully integrated with Colorado Time Systems equipment to provide a real-time race data screen, with race details like swimmer's name, seed time, splits and classification. The screen is sent to the broadcaster (internet or television) as an information layer to overlay at the current transmission video.

Project in developlment, use the concepts from the Broadcast Live Timing applied for any smartphone, when recording a competition of your team or your daughter/son.

FAP Live Timing
Part of the Aquatica Online System, offline and online version, fully integrated with Omega Quantum, Superior Swim Timing and Colorado Time Systems timing equipment to provide a real-time race data screen, with race details like swimmer's name, seed time, splits and classification, projected to be relayed to local displays/tvs around the competition venue.

Davie Nadadores
Graphics, brochures, forms, special projects, website, photo gallery, online registration forms.

Regras de Natação
Personal information website, built with simple Wordpress theme and plugin, optimize for caching and speed.

Encontro Nacional de Técnicos de Natação
Graphics, brochures, forms, website, photo gallery, video editing and publishing, online registration and payments, simple financial control.

Twitter Cards
Pioneer ranking graphic card, fully and automated integration with Twitter Sharing API, create and share ranking results from Swim It Up! with an customized image with swimmer's profile picture, event details and results.

Advanced highly customized aquatics ERP to manage data grouped in 3 basic organization fields: technical, financial and administration. Developed under a security script and with restricted access, using PHP, encryption libraries, JQuery and MySQL.

Online Dynamic Certificate FAP
Created on 2020. Generate a high-resolution on-line certificate for all 5 aquatic sports (swimming, open water swimming, water polo, diving and artistic swimming) from different meets, displaying a customized certificate with swimmer's profile pic, QR Code for security verification and result detailed information. Developed with a adapted PHP image open source classes.

Scout Tech
Developed on 2017, this is one of a very few projects outside the swimming field. Back-end system, it manages soccer athletes, teams, games, championships, coaches and officials. Export data to simple CSV. Manage different levels of access to the system. Developed with PHP, Bootstrap, MySQL and Javascript.

Scout Sports Súmula Online
Developed on 2018, it is the front-end of Scout Tech project. Display games, scouts, stats and generate a PDF file with the game details for each team. Developed with PHP, Bootstrap, MySQL and Javascript.

Scout Tech Wordpress Plugin
Created to be flexible, integrated with cloud database secure. Use of APIs and lots of options to use with the plugin's shortcode, so the data can be displayed wherever and whatever the client needs inside their website.

Eduardo Fischer
Personal website, use of simple Wordpress theme and plugins. Optimize for cache.

Rogério Romero
Personal website, use of simple Wordpress theme and plugins. Optimize for cache.

Museu da Natação
Personal Wiki project for development and research, uses the official open source Wikipedia project software (MediaWiki) and many official plugins.

Podium Cards | Twitter Results
Pioneer results graphic card, fully and automated integration with Twitter API, create and publish top-3 results text and an image customized with swimmer's profile picture, team logo, event details and results, positioning athletes in their podium positions. Generated when running a meet with Aquatica Piscina.

Aqua Sports Magazine
Editor, reporter, graphic design and art direction. Photo print treatment, PDF or PS package to print shop.

Congresso Paulista FAP
Logo design and many graphic creations. Single Wordpress page that allows online registration fully integrated with Aquatica Online, process boleto or credit card payment.